We found out about you on Friday, May 14, 2010.

Your dad called me from Afghanistan and asked me to take a pregnancy test, so I did.

And guess what!? It said you were in there!!

This is the story of you in my tummy...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

9 weeks

I visited the doctor for the first time on June 21. You were 9 weeks then. I saw you for the first time! You were SOOOO tiny!! Take a look:

It was so exciting to see you, and your little heart beating (that is MY favorite part). And while the doctor was scanning, you were moving around! She said, "Oh my gosh, you have to see this".. moved the screen toward me and you were moving your little teeny tiny arms! It was incredible.

I scanned this picture right away and sent it to your dad so he could see you too. We are excited to watch you grow. And we already love you!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

mommy at 7 weeks

Just for fun I thought I would add some pictures of what I look like while you grow in my tummy. You were 7 weeks in this picture:

You really can't see much yet. You are still really tiny right now (which keeps me tiny!)