We found out about you on Friday, May 14, 2010.

Your dad called me from Afghanistan and asked me to take a pregnancy test, so I did.

And guess what!? It said you were in there!!

This is the story of you in my tummy...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

18 weeks

Yay! I got to see you yesterday!

You have gotten SOOO big. You are all folded up inside my tummy. It doesn't look like you have much room to move in there, and I know that space will just keep getting smaller and smaller for you.

We confirmed (again) that you are definitely a boy! I sent of picture of it to your dad and he was very proud, as any father would be.
You've also been moving around in there quite a bit. Last night you poked me (probably a foot) so I poked you back and you poked me back again! It was fun to interact you with. I can't wait to do more of that.

Jamie says that your head is measuring 20 weeks, so either you have a big head or you're a little bit older than we first thought. We'll find out for sure when I go in on Sept 7 for the BIG ultrasound. They will measure all your limbs, head, check your organs and heartbeat to make sure everything is going well.

And here is what I look like this week:

Doesn't look much different from last week, but I think it's because you slowed in growth a little bit this week.

Friday, August 20, 2010

mommy at 17 weeks

Here are some picture of me when you were 17 weeks. I'm finally starting to show!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

august 18

Today I went in to see the doctor. I didn't get to see you, but I did hear your little heartbeat again!! You are 17 and a half weeks. You are the size of my hand, which is pretty incredible. You have grown so much over the past few weeks!!

I also started to exercise today. We went for a nice little walk to the beach and back. It was a gorgeous day. I can't wait to take you for walks in a stroller so you can see where we live.

Friday, August 13, 2010

16 weeks

Dear Isaac,

I started to feel you moving around this week! You are very active in there. You've kicked me a few times (which is very weird). I told your dad that it feels like someone is poking your tummy, but from the inside. I know it will just get stronger as the weeks go on. I grew a lot this week. It's pretty obvious that you are in there now. Unfortunately I haven't been able to see you in a while, but I will get to hear your little heart next week when I go to the doctor!

I love you,


Friday, August 6, 2010

15 weeks

This week I had an ultrasound done and you were sucking your thumb! I see that you've already developed one bad habit... Ben said you must have gotten it from him. Either way, it is super cute:

Here's what I look like this week. I can tell there is a "baby bump" but I don't think it's very obvious to anyone else yet: