We found out about you on Friday, May 14, 2010.

Your dad called me from Afghanistan and asked me to take a pregnancy test, so I did.

And guess what!? It said you were in there!!

This is the story of you in my tummy...

Monday, December 6, 2010

33 weeks

This week your dad and I visited the hospital to see exactly where you will be delivered. The labor and delivery area is very nice and it sounds like the nursing staff is open to helping me labor naturally. Yay! All the rooms are private so it'll be just you, me and your dad. And you will be rooming with us the entire time- none of that staying in the nursery with all the other babies thing that they used to do in the old days.

We are getting more excited as each week goes on. It seems like there is still so much to do to prepare for you, but slowly it's all coming together.

I also made an appointment to meet with your potential pediatrician this week. We'll see her the first week of January. I hope it goes well! She is open to working out a modified vaccination schedule, which is why we chose her. I just want the best for you.

This week you weigh about the heft of a pineapple- 4ish pounds. Here is what you look like in the womb:

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